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Coming home

When my dad died in February, I lost all sense of home. I was half-orphaned — a gaping, black hole in my life and my being. Home has been...

Do less. Be more.

Last Friday, I made a decision to do something new. Something risky. Something audacious. I’ve always loved being outdoors and have...

What I learned at the gym about feedback

I haven’t worked out in 6 weeks. I’ve been traveling in northern Thailand, repatriating from South Korea to Colorado, working on home...

Lessons from my expat life: Say YES

The expat life starts with a yes that feels like leaping into an abyss. Yes. I will sign that multi-year contract, person I met...

Stop living small

The last few days I’ve been percolating on the idea of limiting thoughts, and how these little nagging buggers have such power to...

Blog: Blog2
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