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Dear Overfunctioning Human...

Dear Human… Is your to-do list infinity-long? Do you schedule your life back to back to back? Do your days feel lengthy yet somehow never...

Why action plans don't work

For a long time, I believed change was all about actions. It was all about figuring out the right things to do. If I DID all the right...

3 Ways to get the most out of self-help books

My clients are intelligent, compassionate, unconventional women who hold themselves to high standards of excellence. They love learning...

What I learned at the gym about feedback

I haven’t worked out in 6 weeks. I’ve been traveling in northern Thailand, repatriating from South Korea to Colorado, working on home...

Lessons from my expat life: Say NO

It’s ok to be a party-pooper. For reals. After several months of saying yes to, legit, everything in my first expat experience in Seoul,...

3 Reasons to STOP setting goals today

Let’s get real for a quick minute. Teaching is hard. Being an expat is hard. These are worlds that challenge who you are, what you do,...

What I’ve learned about movement

Movement is something I often take for granted. But then there are times like today, seeing a post from my friend (paralyzed by a freak...

Dear Alcohol, I need some space…

To My (ex)Love, How do I begin? I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been avoiding you for a few weeks. It’s true, I ignore you in social...

Blog: Blog2
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