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Coming home

When my dad died in February, I lost all sense of home. I was half-orphaned — a gaping, black hole in my life and my being. Home has been...

Numbing works

I first learned how to numb when my mom became ill and was hospitalized when I was 13. She went to the hospital and we went into survival...

Do less. Be more.

Last Friday, I made a decision to do something new. Something risky. Something audacious. I’ve always loved being outdoors and have...

Lessons from my expat life: Say NO

It’s ok to be a party-pooper. For reals. After several months of saying yes to, legit, everything in my first expat experience in Seoul,...

Lessons from my expat life: Say YES

The expat life starts with a yes that feels like leaping into an abyss. Yes. I will sign that multi-year contract, person I met...

3 Reasons to STOP setting goals today

Let’s get real for a quick minute. Teaching is hard. Being an expat is hard. These are worlds that challenge who you are, what you do,...

Stop living small

The last few days I’ve been percolating on the idea of limiting thoughts, and how these little nagging buggers have such power to...

What I’ve learned about movement

Movement is something I often take for granted. But then there are times like today, seeing a post from my friend (paralyzed by a freak...

Where perfectionism ends and life begins

If you’re a perfectionist like me, you have an overactive shame button inside of you that, once triggered, sets off this nasty blaring...

Dear Alcohol, I need some space…

To My (ex)Love, How do I begin? I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been avoiding you for a few weeks. It’s true, I ignore you in social...

Blog: Blog2
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